Day Off

So anyone who knows me knows that I work a lot!!! So today I had a day all to myself, it was so great!  I decided I was not going to set an alarm I was going to just wake up whenever that might be......11:00 am rolls around and Karl needed to go potty so I woke up watched some tv Dr. Phil, Oprah some good old reality dating show you know the GOOD stuff.  Fell back asleep during Oprah and woke up at 7:00pm oops. I only left my bedroom to go to the bathroom and take Karl to the bathroom.
Funny thing is the pets took a day off too.  Wow I have to admit it was really nice, but I don't think I could ever not work or I would be a lazy girl

Day Off!!!

Day Off!!!
Look how big Dora is compared to everyone else. I Love it!

Girls Weekend!!!

So I invited my mom, LaSahe & Nicole out to visit me in Overland Park Kansas.  The main reason for the visit was to 
go to the Celine Dion concert.  We were so excited!!! Two days 
before the concert she CANCELLED What???  We still had a great time!  Aunt LaShae decided to bring my dogs some gifts look how cute!!!


How Cute!!!

How Cute!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Introducing Karl Self"

While all of you are having babies and starting pre-school our exciting news is a new puppy!!!I am sure you are all jealous, this kind of child never grows up. As if two pets were not enough we decided to add another into the family to make 5. I could not help myself he is so damn cute!Karl Self is his name: he weighs 1lb. 6oz. he is 8 weeks old. He is a long hair chihuahua.In Norse mythology, Karl was the name of the first free peasant, son of Rig and Amma. Rig was the human form taken by the god Heimdall when he produced the progenitors of the three social classes (thralls, peasants & nobility.) Karl means "Free Man" or "Man". So Karl is our little man, he is a daddy's boy.

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Hawaii: Sierra, Emmie & Aunt Dezi


She's our sassy daughter! She is not sure what to do with Karl.